The unique smoky flavor of Adobo sauce makes this salsa a crowd pleaser. Easy to make with canned ingredients, your friends will think it came fresh from...
This is an excellent, fresh-tasting dip. It is a sort of dry salsa that uses cotija Mexican cheese. The cheese is a crumbly, salty cheese that is very...
I created this recipe after visiting a local Mexican restaurant I frequent and I picked through the dish to discover the ingredients. I decided I could...
This quick and easy salsa can be made in just a few minutes with a food processor. Green onions instead of white onions give it a nice, mellow flavor to...
This is a salsa with vibrant colors and even more vibrant flavors! It utilizes authentic ingredients that are all adjustable to suit individual tastes!...
I found this recipe a couple of years ago and I've tweaked and changed it until we felt it was just right. I get requests all the time for the recipe....
My ex's mom had the best hand-chopped salsa fresca I have ever tasted back in college. Over the years, I have tweaked it to something my friends and family...
When fresh tomatoes from my garden start ripening faster than I can eat them fresh, I make this salsa. I modified the recipe to match my taste for sweet...
This is a recipe I made up because I really wanted some salsa and tortillas; however, I was out of salsa. Tomato and celery along with some other ingredients...
This creamy chip dip is different from any I've ever had. Mix sour cream with tomatoes and green chilies, black olives and Cheddar cheese. Always a hit...
This delicious salsa dip is easy to make and blends the distinctive flavors of tarragon vinegar, green chile peppers and black olives in a zesty tomato...
This salsa is a staple at our house. There's nothing better to serve as a dip for tortilla chips or as a condiment for your favorite Mexican food. Include...
This gorgeous salsa would shine on any big-game snack table. The fire-roasting brings out a tremendous amount of flavor and provides just the right touch...
As a recipe made for using your garden-fresh vegetables, this canning recipe makes a fabulous salsa. Use this salsa in place of RO*TELĀ® for a cheese dip...
An authentic Mexican salsa made with tomatoes, onions, and jalapenos. Serve with tacos, nachos, tortilla chips, black beans, refried beans, or fajitas...
In a recent trip to San Francisco, my brother and I frequented a restaurant in the Haight district for breakfast. The inspiration for this came from that...
This is an easy recipe for salsa made in a blender. It is a staple at my house (and everyone I know's houses, too). Remember you can always add to taste....
This is a pico de gallo recipe that will have everyone asking 'how did you make this?' They will be surprised when you tell them the ingredients include...
A wonderful salsa that uses chipotle and ancho. It adds depth to the overall flavor without overpowering the salsa, making it the perfect snacking salsa...
This gorgeous salsa would shine on any big-game snack table. The fire-roasting brings out a tremendous amount of flavor and provides just the right touch...
This creamy chip dip is different from any I've ever had. Mix sour cream with tomatoes and green chilies, black olives and Cheddar cheese. Always a hit...
A quick and easy salsa without all the chemicals and preservatives from store-bought brands. Store any remaining salsa in an air tight container in the...
This gorgeous salsa would shine on any big-game snack table. The fire-roasting brings out a tremendous amount of flavor and provides just the right touch...
An authentic Mexican salsa made with tomatoes, onions, and jalapenos. Serve with tacos, nachos, tortilla chips, black beans, refried beans, or fajitas...